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The Emperor's New Work Clothes

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Regardless of the truth of the matter, the statistics say hat the labor force increased by 2000,000+ jobs in October. And the reaction in markets set gold and silver tumbling. Lurking within the statistics are some sobering facts, though.

 80% of the jobs created were low-wage positions - hospitality, tourism and food service led the charge, such as it is. And, another 100,000 people dropped out of the workforce, bringing the yearly total in that category to roughly 950,000. And that's not including those who can't or won't be counted.

 This unexpected spurt in job creation - 125,000 was the consensus - came in spite of the government shutdown, which magically had no effect on the economy, or at least was not measured in current statistics. 

"Clearly what transpired was businesses viewed the shutdown as a temporary phenomenon and that the economy was still growing and would continue to grow going forward," said Russell Price, senior economist at Ameriprise Financial Services in Troy, Michigan.

 "Those payroll numbers made the folks who buy gold nervous as they did not go in the direction they wanted to see, suggesting that tapering could be back on the table," said Axel Merk, chief investment officer at California-based Merk Funds, which have $450 million assets under management. 

 Gold investors and traders saw the job numbers as an opportunity to hammer gold down, believing that this will spur the Fed to begin tapering now sooner than later. We think that is misguided thinking. 

 Further, there is a growing consensus that there is more structural growth in the U.S. economy, meaning that the slow expansion, while it may not accelerate precipitously will gain more and more momentum. Some economists have said that the rise in China's export surplus last month is an important sign that the U.S., one of China's biggest trading partners, is recovering. 

 The ECB is also softening its monetary policies - a move that has most distinctly had an effect on precious metals prices. A softer euro means a stronger dollar; a stronger dollar means weaker precious prices.

  Due to dollar strength, outside influencer, crude oil, headed back down, once again nearing the $94 mark. Of course, on the bet that the Fed will taper in December or January, bond yields rose dramatically.

Yet, the perception in the markets is that the economy is doing better and better. 


Wishing you as always good trading,


 Gary S. Wagner - Executive Producer

Market Forecast 

 Although we have been expecting lower prices in the precious metals throughout the week, today's better-than-expected jobs report took many by surprise. On the surface one could expect a better jobs report to bring back the thought of Fed tapering this year. However it has been my belief that one report will not change the overall disposition of the Federal Reserve, and that we will probably not see tapering begin at all this year.


Gold prices broke through a key level of support as it plunged below $1300 per ounce in trading following the employment report, and fell just three dollars shy of the next level of support at 1277, when gold traded to an intraday low of 1280. One of the key indicators I believe we need to be watching closely next week is physical purchasing in India and China. With gold now trading at lower prices will these prices be attractive enough to fuel physical purchasing next week? If it does not, my sense is we could continue to see lower prices. Today's video will detail the next real levels of support in both gold and silver.


Proper Action: A key level of support was most definitely broken when gold plunged below $1300 per ounce in trading today. Falling just to the next level of support identified at 1277, gold prices hit an intraday low of 1280 and then bounced back to the upside. There can be no doubt that $1300 will now become a key resistance area. We have been sidelined throughout the week as we attempted to determine whether or not $1300 would hold as a key support level for gold, we got our answer today. Based upon prices next week we will determine whether more downside price declines are in store or if by chance gold manages to find some support at 1275. It is our current take that we will probably see continued downside pressure.


No open trades over the weekend. 





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Gary S. Wagner - Executive Producer