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Preview of Trend Chartist

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If you know the enemy and you know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt.

– Sun Tzu, The Art Of War

Welcome to this first preview of the "Trend Chartist. We want you to get a better idea of this new service we will offer starting next week. Please email me with any questions or interest. 

I believe strongly that there is a solution to the dilemma that faces precious metal traders. You know that the bull run of 2009, and following bear run of 2011 have probably run their course. The major prices runs we witnessed and profited from have diminished as gold and silver prices are now ensnared at the bottom end of the trading range. As a gold and/or silver trader you most likelyhave become disillusioned with trading precious metals for just those reasons.  So I recently came up with a new subscription service just for you that will address your broader trading requirements. We are excited to offer you this new expanded  service

Gary S. Wagner - Executive Producer