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Federal Reserve's Hawkish Stance Sends Gold Prices Tumbling

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The release of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) minutes from last month's meeting sent shockwaves through the gold market, triggering a dramatic selloff. The minutes revealed an elevated concern among Federal Reserve officials over the persistence of inflation during the first three months of 2024, with some members expressing openness to further tightening monetary policy if inflation continues to run hotter than expected. The minutes indicated that Fed officials believe it will take longer than previously anticipated to gain confidence that inflation is on a trajectory towards the 2% target.

The minutes were interpreted as significantly more hawkish than previous iterations, revealing a lack of confidence among some members in the current level and trajectory of inflation to warrant interest rate reductions. While the summary acknowledged that inflation has eased over the past year, it noted a lack of further progress towards the committee's 2% inflationary target in recent months.

Notably, the minutes stated that "various participants mentioned a willingness to tighten policy further should risks to inflation materialize in a way that such an action became appropriate." This stance stands in contrast to the Federal Reserve's March Summary of Economic Projections (SEP), which included a "dot plot" indicating the central bank's expectation to implement three 0.25% rate cuts this year, bringing the benchmark "Fed funds" rate down from its current range of 5.25% to 5.5% to a range of 4.5% to 4.75% by year-end.

While the latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) report revealed a decline in inflation, policymakers have made it clear that a single data point or monthly report is not a clear indication of the trend. The Federal Reserve will likely wait several more months to ensure that subsequent reports show inflation is back on track before considering rate cuts.

Market participants reacted swiftly to the hawkish minutes, sending gold prices into a tailspin. As of 4:10 PM ET, gold futures for the most active June 2024 contract were fixed at $2,381.50, down $43.60 or 1.79%. Physical gold also suffered, with a troy ounce trading at $2,377.90, a decline of $42.90 or 1.77%.

The Federal Reserve's resolute stance on combating inflation has sent a clear signal to the markets, underscoring the ongoing challenges in achieving price stability and the potential for further monetary tightening if inflationary pressures persist.

Wishing you as always good trading,

Gary S. Wagner - Executive Producer