Formula Revised

So as I promised yesterday today I will attempt to give an understanding of how this equation I hypothesized works. I will go through and solve it step by step in order for you to be able to use this formula in the distant future and just what it predicts for BTC’s price if it continues to hold true. As a clarification this formula isn’t precise to within a single decimal nonetheless it is strangely accurate so far in BTC’s history.
B$=$AE x PR±5%
B$ = Bitcoin Price after next halving event.
$AE = Bitcoin’s price at the last Halving event.
PR = Previous block reward.
For example I will use this formula to show the last two events.
B$=$AE x PR±5%
Let’s plug in the numbers from the first halving.
B$=$12.30 x 50±5%
B$=$615 ±5%
As you can see the actual price after the first halving was $650.
I know this equation varies from the one I produced yesterday this formula was easier and more accurate and tomorrow I will wrap up the discussion of what I am going to so vainly call “The Wagner formula”.